Where to Find a Good Husband?!

Some of you - here I actually mean Russian speaking - may remember the episode from the famous Soviet film 'Moscow doesn't believe tears' when a girl asks a question why she is not married to a military general (quite respectable and profitable position 40 years ago!), and another responds by saying that to be married to a general, you must first marry a soldier and follow him for two-three decades while he is building his career... Very optimistic perspective!

Jokes aside, where do you actually find a good husband nowadays? The one who loves you, wants to have children with you and is capable to pay for all that comes with it.

When I complained to my friend that I had signed up for yet another degree, her simple response was 'Your degrees allowed you to find your perfect half, or rather your perfect whole husband! It made me think. In fact, she was so right! Having a pretty appearance always helps in the beginning, but after a few hours, well, in some instances, days or even months, you've got to talk to each other. Here is where education, even so totally unrelated to anything, certainly helps. 

So below are what I think good places for husband-surfing may be...

1. Forget about old-fashion libraries. People actually come to read there. Yes, sometimes in films, libraries my be used for shagging ..ops, have I just said shagging? Apologies you, lot! Sign up for a course. Something which starts after work, doesn't take more than a few hours a week and doesn't cost a fortune. And cooking classes may not be on your list of options. Try public  speaking, or negotiating skills, or something which would draw attention of a male specie simply because it may help their career.

2. Networking events. You don't need to be a professional to attend those, neither you need to know the subject perfectly. Well, it may help if you know what the event is about. People come there to mingle ... Love this word. Business card exchange always helps to keep in touch. It doesn't cost much and in the worst case you get free food and drink :)

3. One of the good places are races... There may be a downside though as you may end up marrying a gambler. Never good for a family budget, however attractive it may seem. 

4. A radical measure could be trying to land a job in a male-dominating company. Investment banking is a good option, quantity surveying company maybe not :)

5. Your own option? Do you think about any good place? Leave a comment and let's see if this would make someone who reads it actually find their 'Mr Big'.

vasha Tasha