Fun Feb in Madeira

NOT having rested from one holiday, we jetted off for another. This time it happened to be Madeira. My hubby had been keeping an eye Rio Carnival for the last few years, but with the busy schedule, and the location of the final destination it was decided to wait till next year...So the only option - well, not really the worst, but rather contrary, was Madeira, where winter temperatures are around 20-25 degree centigrade and with only three hour flight from the UK - great alternative to the festive carnival holidays in Brazil. 

WHILST I am trying to sort out photos, here is the snapshot of the last event of the carnival season in Madeira. The Fun Parade, or "Cortejo Trapalhao", usually takes place on the streets of Funchal on Shrove Tuesday each year. 

BEST known for its 'social satire, fun daring caricatures and humour', it's definitely worth to be on the list of the places to visit. 

ANYONE can take part (I guess the registration is a must though), and dress up in whatever their imagination permits. 

You don't have to speak Portuguese to understand the meaning of this message...

THIS beauty could seriously competing for the "Tightest butt in Madeira" title... 

...maybe, or maybe not...

IT's one of the friendliest mass events I've ever attended - and believe me, I am not a greatest fun of the ones. People of all ages are party to this amazing event. And many those who line up the streets to watch are also dressed up.

IF you are having mid winter blues next year (and even if you don't) go and enjoy!

vasha Tasha