This is the country which in every advertisement slogan demand you to 'create your world of happiness' and 'spread happiness' simply because it is YOU who is shaping tomorrow.
This is the first country where within first day we have covered a distance of 100 km, 50% spent on trying to find a space in a parking.
This is the first country where citizens have to speak foreign language to get served in the restaurants, shops and even toilets!
Some foreign girls are stared at here like at the monkeys in the zoo..The combination of short skirts, high heels, intense make-up and lack of any understanding how to combine it all (one can only wonder what you could combine the intense make up with, my suggestion would probably be nudity) is always a winner in the nomination "what the hell was she thinking about!?".
Dubai women are very up to date with their fashion. The abayas they wear are so beautiful it makes you want - surprisingly! - to wear one. From the conversation with a lady from Saudi Arabia, I learn that abayas start from about 200 UAE dirham - those are normally plain black abayas, and after that the sky is the limit - depending on the levels of intricate details and materials used.
Some of the modern Arab women don't even cover the hair, showing the true beauty of Middle East women. Many of those who cover all except eyes come from Saudi Arabia. So you are left to wonder forever what kind of beauty is hidden behind those black covers. All you are left to see are the Bottega, Versace, Gucci, Prada, Chanel bags, Christian Louboutin, Lanvin, Monolo Blahnik shoes, perfectly manicured nails and lined eyes.
This is the country where to me the level of service or rather its absence were well balanced by the quality and amazing tastes of the restaurants. And the range of the options is simply striking.
Alcohol... We came unprepared and naively thought that we may get something in the supermarkets. Ok, here is the answer. None of the places sell any alcohol, with exception of specially licensed shops. And even for those you need to have a special license to be able to buy alcohol. Even the restaurants donэt sell any. Only if a bar or a restaurant forms a part of the hotel or located on one of those artificially made islands. Despite being UAE territory they are not viewed part of the true Arabic land, so the alcohol restrictions are waived there.
This s the first country in the world where majority of views make you say WOW... Whether it's looking up, down, at or through...
The shopping malls are somewhat similar to the'black holes'.. They suck you in and it's nearly impossible to get out. Small lifts, random signs and hundreds and hundreds of beautiful shops doesn't raise any desire to leave, and when you finally decide to do so, make an allowance for at least an hour before you manage to get to the car...
The beaches are simply beautiful. Only remember that sea water at beaches located on the hand-made islands is cooler.
Dubai is still very much a big construction site. The high-rise buildings seem to appear over night, just like mushrooms in the autumn. Surely the ministry of construction or any other organisation in charge of the planning issues have their ultimate goals. But once of the implications of the ah-hoc construction activities are the complicated network of roads, which routes also seem to change over night.
This is the country where guys are keeping entertained with most expensive models of cars and five months old are pushed in the buggies playing I-pads.
This is Dubai... and I am in Love