
Another fantastic morning and we set off to the gardens. The weather was good enough within last few weeks so everything is blossoming and swans and geese have finally had their chicks arrived.

We had a quarter of bread loaf with us to feed them. Just as we were approaching the main lake we met a family of four - mum-duck, dad-duck and two little chicks.

- Chicks! Chicks! - shouted my two year old getting really excited. We sat on the ground and started feeding them. The geese were quite protective of their little ones and psss-ed at us every single time we raised our hands to throw a piece of bread.  

Within a few minutes a black raven appeared nearby. He landed a few meters away from the family and also started picking us the bread we were throwing. The geese stopped pss-ing and accepted the bread gracefully.

SUDDENLY the raven rushed to one of the chicks and took it by its throat and flew up in the air! I screamed! I jumped up, I started screaming at it in Russian...It carried the chick further on...

Within a second I took my son and ran after the raven. It would not stop, neither it would let the poor chick go. I ran as if the chick was mine. I could not breathe. I ran after the raven. At some point the raven landed on the grass under the tree, but theh he saw me approaching and he took off again carrying the chick further.

- Mummy, catch, mummy, catch! - shouted my son. 

And then I lost the sight of it as it disappeared behind the trees. I slowed down and was more walking fast than running...I lost the hope, and just carried on hoping for a miracle.

I'm a grown up girl and don't believe in miracles.

After a few minutes we found it. My son spotted the raven in the bushes, and I saw the breathless body of the poor chick. His head was torn off. That was awful!

To make sure my little one didn't see that I turned around and went back. 

- Mummy, bird! Flying! Chick's gone! -he said. 
- Yes, my darling! It's gone! I'm sure it's going to be alright!- I said to him. My heart was torn. I felt incredible gilt and sorrow. 

Needless to say we didn't feed any other ducks after that. 

vasha Tasha