New Career Prospective? - No, thank you

Within last week I have received a number of questions whether I'd think about taking on career as a photographer... It made me laugh out loud! If I would be the one paying money for my photos, I'd sue myself for lack of quality and non-professionalism! But surely there are hundreds, maybe thousands of people out there who without a single doubt create their own 'Mister' or 'Misses Photographer' logo and stick it all over their average shots. And they are probably lucky enough to sell their services to someone. 

Some of those individuals are very brave and balsy, they could not care less about what other professionals think of them and they ride the professional photography waves without any fear. Sometimes attitude takes over the skills...

There are others, who start taking photos of their kids, then friends' kids, then random weddings, and after a few months of praise from their friends they put on a Photographer hat! 

Of course, there are others - real gems!

So where is that thin line which divides amateurs from the professional photographer? 

While I'm thinking, I stick to my very exciting profession of a quantity surveyor, where the most creative skills would be the ability to chose the right fonts, and colour the tabs in Excel! 

 vasha Tasha