I haven't given up on blogging just yet... :)
Last week a post by a friend of mine put a few last pieces of the puzzles together. A few people... well including my other half... mentioned to me that whilst they enjoy reading my blog, it lacks a bit of a structure. With my adult hat on, I can now fully acknowledge that it does indeed. I love sharing experiences of mine life here. However among the posts I have previously done and enjoyed most were those dedicated to the talented people. The one about Lisa Lobanova, the very talented photographer, was one of the most amazing blogging experiences!
So I decided to combine the two - my passion to take photographs and a great desire to learn through the discussions with various photographers and blogging. I want to talk to the photographers, tell you all about them and look at the world through their eyes to find my own vision...
And I even know who my first post would be about! ;)
So whilst I am getting ready to take on a new challenge, here is a question which appeared in my head today as I was heading to the business meeting...How do you deal with the uncomfortable questions or requests... The ones which make you want to pretend you haven't heard them, change the subject or even worst - run away as quick as you possibly can?! My typical reaction would be a very bad joke, which usually makes matters even worse...But my inner self can never keep the mouth shut! It's the technique I yet need to learn...
vasha Tasha