Following up my previous post, and in particular the question about uncomfortable questions, I thought I need to expand a bit further...
To make a step back, I need to explain why I asked the question in the first instance...I was getting out of the tube in the Central London, and while walking along the underground tunnel, I passed two homeless guys. One of them asked me for change.
Ok, I don't want to get into the long discussions here as I am sure everyone who sleeps rough on the streets has got the good reason for that, but I felt uncomfortable being asked to 'spare some change' by a bloke in his thirties who I am sure is capable of doing some sort of work. In fact, I didn't graduate 3 universities, work hard ever since I'd left the high school (in particular my mind is drawn to the first summer in the States when being age twenty years old I worked from 10am till 5pm as a counter girl at the pizza place, and then from 5pm till 12am as a sale assistant at the department store across the street and had just one(!) day-off during the period of 3.5 months), nor did I ever over-enjoy commutting for 1.5 hrs (with three changes on a tube and a car ride) to one of my projects in Russia for three years, or open a letter from the HR during recession to find out whether I'd have fallen a victim of a second round of redundancies, or witness my son's tears every time I had to jump on a tube before he even gets out of his pyjamas, to give away money just because someone had enough courage to ask...
This was the moment I realised that I genuinely feel uncomfortable when someone is asking me for money. Anything wrong with that?
But here am I not to talk about this... A few people asked me what I meant by 'new challenge' in the previous post. Here am I let you know about new dedicate blog - TASHA PHOTOGRAFO which is currently empty but is very much looking forward to some fulfilling content. Here I will write about photographers, their lives, stories and show you their photos! I am already feeling super excited about it. I hope it gives me the chance to learn more about photography, get some tips and most of all meet interesting and talented people and give you a chance to 'meet' them.
So if you are a photographer, wish to share your story, and like the way I write in English, please let me know here or in the comments to any links to this post.
vasha Tasha